Data centre

TechRE is a specialist data centre consultancy team that has a fundamental understanding of how data centres operate and a thorough knowledge of the best ways to maximise value from technical real estate.

About us

We are a consultancy team that has a fundamental understanding of how data centres operate – both technically and commercially. We know who should be targeted to occupy a facility, who would purchase a particular data centre and, critically, who would be the end user customer.

We can advise on the operational management, staffing, funding, marketing, leasing and negotiating of complex deal structures. Sourcing and securing the most optimal facilities.

Our approach

Our approach to each project is based on five key criteria:

  • In-depth market knowledge
  • A unique set of data centre skills with experience in owning and operating facilities through to valuations, site selection and asset disposal
  • A collegiate approach to every project that begins with a data centre workshop which provides the foundation needed to deliver an optimal outcome
  • A well-resourced team of industry experts including keeping consultants working ‘in situ’ for prolonged periods of the contract
  • Commitment to knowledge transfer and passing on our research and experience to the client team for long-term benefits, well beyond the project timescales.

TechRE provides a wide range of consultancy based services on behalf of funders, land owners, developers, data centre owners and bodies such as administrative regions and trade associations.

Our consultancy services typically include:

  • Strategic locational reviews
  • Facility assessment (technical & operational)
  • Due diligence reports
  • Asset management
  • Research
  • Site selection
  • Site procurement and disposal
  • Contact us for more information on any of our services.


t: +44 (0)7538 115 029


7 Hopetoun Crescent,
United Kingdom,